Thursday, April 12, 2007


Well as I predicted, I woke up with a massive hangover and a friend passed out on the floor amidst some spilled liquid from the night (or a few hours) before. After passing back out and sleeping in till 12 30, I felt a little better. I felt even more better after taking a shower and eating. By two o clock I started my spanish comp due tomorrow, which I probably should have done way earlier. After that I continued to study for my MA exam that I had at 5 30. After that long class ended I came back and studied a bit for my map quiz tomorrow (which is easy and why I didn't really look at it sooner) and than started reading some articles for my philosophy class (which i probably should have done earlier and am still doing currently). I guess all in all it wasn't too terrible of a day. I still wish I would get the harder more pressing work out of the way days in advanced, or the day it's assigned. I still have this looming Media Arts event paper...but hopefully I'll be motivated and go out and just do it this weekend so I can stop worrying about. Oh...and I've received an acceptance letter from UCSC, but have been too lazy to check out the school online still. Maybe this weekend...

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