Monday, April 30, 2007

Procrastination...almost finished

Well, today was a more relaxed day for me. I had no classes I needed to attend, and took the time to catch up on sleep and finish off some work. I finished the rough draft to my philosophy paper and had my conference with my teacher. I've been trying to maintain contact with my spanish partner, amidst brushing up on my old spanish. I hope she gets back to me soon so that I know whether or not to rigorously study the sample topics we got for our oral on wednesday. Also, we are supposed to meet tomorrow, but she has not told me when or where yet I'm waiting on that too. Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good. My 360 broke last week and I feel I should use that as a sign to not mess around with games. This way I will hopefully break the tendency to play the game while bored, instead of using that down time to study or accomplish something useful for any one of my classes. Well, I'm off to continue studying spanish as I just took a small break to watch Heroes. I'll catch ya tomorrow.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Procrastination...relaxed or lazy

Well, so far I seem to be keeping on the schedule that I planned for myself and detailed in my blog yesterday. I have basically completed a rough draft of my cover letter, only having to piece the two separate pieces together before Tuesday. Today I finished my half of my spanish comp and sent it to my partner...who has not yet sent me her part. In fact, after half contacting me today, I haven't heard from her since. I felt good that I stayed on top of that part at least. After "relaxing" but most likely "slacking off" for FAR too long, I started my Philosophy paper. Luckily, it is not a very long paper and the rough draft is due tomorrow for when I go meet with my professor. I feel that I have completed a good portion of what I wanted to say, and only need to add a conclusion and one more quote from an ereserve article we read a while back. I also feel I need to add another paragraph or two to further explain my point in more detail, but as I read through it now I feel that I am making a good case for my argument. But for now, my room is boiling and I am going to take a small break to let my body temperature get back down to normal. Ha ha. Till tomorrow

Saturday, April 28, 2007 breathing

Well I apologize for missing my post yesterday, but it was quite the long and stressful day. First, my anxiety has been giving me some slight problems with sleeping, and I have not been able to get my normal amount of sleep. I woke up feeling like a zombie, and pretty much functioned like that for most of the day. By the time I got out of class, all I could think about was sleep. However, I quickly turned to homework so that I could finish up all the menial stuff I had to do, before I had to start the bigger more pressing matters. I first started with my history quiz, of which I normally do not do well on. I flipped through the book and rushed to find the answers as best I could from my knowledge and from the book itself. Though I have read, the questions seemed to focus on small details which were hard to remember. I finished with 5 minutes left to discover I got a 95 on it and I sat there and smiled. About a second later I hopped onto my long spanish assignment, though due sunday, and quickly finished it to open up the rest of my weekend. Later my friends came, and it was just chaos for the rest of the night. Today was basically similar to friday but without the classes. I have started the drafting of my cover letter, but have been struggling with finding the right way to write it. I hope to finish most of it before tomorrow, so that I may spend tomorrow writing a rough draft for my phil term paper. Likewise I hope to finish that tomorrow so that I may spend the rest of the week till wednesday studying for my spanish oral exam. Now is the time to focus and stay on track. Breathe in and here we go.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I apologize for not having wrote anything since monday. Basically my Spanish teacher screwed us over by barely letting us know about our huge assignments that are due next week. Thus in order to give me enough time on the weekend to do and study my spanish, I tried to finish all my other assignments for the week early. These past few days have been pretty hectic and just homework filled. I've been finishing mostly everything pretty early, but I still keep postponing some of the bigger tasks. I hope that I'll get my shit together soon. I still feel this void in me. Like something is missing, and though I keep trying it just seems to stick. I've been having mad anxiety dreams and have this empty anxious feeling of waiting for something, but there is nothing to wait for. I hope it's just these final weeks before exams that is really pressing me. There is so much for me to still do, and I still have little motivation to do it...AHHHH.

Monday, April 23, 2007

PRO crastination

Well today has been a slow day homework wise. So I was able to accomplish my tasks fairly early and easily. I've been just slowly inching my way towards exams. Trying to relax as much as I can before I really can't. It's still waiting in me to finally motivate myself to do stuff that I need to. But I want to push it to tomorrow. I have no rush, and's just been a rough couple of days. Just sort of anxious, lost and confused as always. Plus more personal matters as one would expect. So I've been a little distracted with myself...but I"ll eventually get over it. Anyways...tomorrow is when shit gets rough.

My Generalized Writing Process Broken Down

As I look back on my writing process...I notice a familiar pattern that isn't wholly correct and leaves much room for improvement. As I edit for content throughout, I lead myself to believe that further editing is not necessary. I often neglect this, and this is a reckless mistake that will eventually be noticed at some point in my career. Though I do not plan on being a professional writer per say, I would still like to be eloquent in my speech and in any papers I may choose to do. As a child I never saw myself as any sort of writer. In fact I was probably the worst at grammar and speech at any young ages if compared to my peers. My Uncle would try to correct, but we all knew that I was doomed for english and luckily accelerated in science and math. I had always thought I would be a mathmatician of some sort, and would at least only gain enough command of the english language to get myself by in day to day life. However, as I went through English AP classes in high school, my teachers basically forced and scared me into actual writing. The best of my class usually wound up with C's and we were left to be as grandiose as possible, though we hardly knew what the hell we were saying. After that and meshing into a normal English class senior year, I began to understand and comprehend proper writing and soon writing was an easy task. Essays written during class were astonishing and later this quick style perfected in me. College continued this and soon I felt good and confident in my essays. However good they may appear to be...a lot of times it all falls short and I know I could do better. Though some of my sentences may seem impressive, the overall content tends to lack. I now know that I need to improve how I argue points. Most of my analysis leaves little proof of my actual point, and ends up being strictly opinions. Likewise my thoughts get disjointed, which would normally be caught upon later thorough reviews and edits. I never hand my writing to my friends or people I know out of fear of pure criticism. Though I know I'm not in any way...unintelligent, I feel that maybe my friends would look down on my grammar or syntax. Or laugh at a small mistake. But I shouldn't be afraid of a little criticism, if in the end it does help my writing abilities. I feel that for any essay I write, I should have my peers read it and comment for me. Any help...well helps. Likewise I should do my essays and other projects earlier so that I can eventually edit this myself with enough time to turn it in and such. These are the two key events that I must implement in order to better my writing.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Well...I'm surprisingly tired and a bit anxious all at once. Luckily today I got a lot of work done. Finished my psych reading for the week, read my history for tomorrow, read and did my philosophy for tomorrow, and did my spanish journal from 3 til like 8. Took a while...but I took short breaks in between and got it all done. Than I've just been relaxing, playing games, watching tv...reading some more. Still...glad I got it all done...but this anxious energy in me is keeping me from looking at the bigger picture. That is to say...the exams and portfolios and final essays. Kind of sucky...but whatevers. I guess I'll get it all done in the next weeks. Oh and by the way...I'm still avoiding looking at my colleges.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Days pass by too quickly sometimes. I hate getting up late...but it was basically necessary. Well to me it was beyond necessary to get some rest and sleep away something I caused myself the night before...ha ha. Well enough about that...after getting up and showering and getting myself to finally go out and get food, since I oddly didn't feel like eating much (uh). Afterwards I headed to the GUILD movie theater to watch a movie for my ma class that I need to write a paper on. I got there early and just read, to enlighten myself. Watched the movie, headed back to campus and than started doing my history homework. Did all but like 10 pages of reading which I'll finish tomorrow. Took a nap...than it was Saturday night. So hw didn't exist. Ahhhh sadly...well I don't believe I have much to do for monday. Shouldn't take me too long. Until than...laters.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Oh my my my. Where have I been lately??? Procrastinating??? Well...actually...I've been almost doing quite the opposite. I've been doing all my homework early and actually starting early on some other things. In fact...I've sort of been busy with school work and just reading, that I've been spacing out the smaller things. My bad...but here I am finally. Its a weekend, and I'm ready for the next week. I have one small journal, and have to go see a show tomorrow. Have to do some reading by next friday, but I'm almost done. I have a little bit of History reading, but not much pressure...but I'll still do it tomorrow sometime. All in all, I feel very productive. Hopefully this keeps up when exams roll around...

Monday, April 16, 2007


So today was a pretty laxed day for me. After getting off my classes I took a small break and relaxed. Than I did some spanish assignments as well as other things I needed to get done. Later I did some psych reading amongst taking breaks in between each of my assignments. I felt I accomplished quite a bit today and got to enjoy myself in the process as well. All in all I felt it was a good productive day. There aren't many other assignments I need to do currently, as this is the calm before the storm of if anything, I should use this time to relax before the shit hits the fan and I become consumed by study.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


So...apparently I completely spaced out doing one last night. In fact I didn't accomplish anything yesterday work wise. However, I did feel more productive than I have in a while. I was out and about, went rock climbing, walked around, caught up with old friends and generally did rather than did not. I felt good about that and though I may have missed the media arts event for this weekend, I assume there will still be a few more before the semester ends, meaning I'll still have time to do it. I've already started working my way towards finding more events anyways and my teacher congratulated me on how well my sequence analysis project was for the class and how it was one of the best one's in class. This came as quite a shock as I did not really start it till the day before it was due, but I did fully dedicate myself to the project. This boosts my confidence in that maybe I can actually become a film editor as I have been dreaming about. Though my laziness counteracts this dream and often time instills fear in me, I feel more confident that I can change and can do what I want to do. So as for today, I slept in due to another late night. But after eating, I instantly started my homework and knocked out two assignments for tomorrow. I have only one more pressing assignment due tomorrow which I will do here shortly. But I'm off for now...until tomorrow and the beginning of another week...ugggghhh

Saturday, April 14, 2007


So yeah...for a friday I don't ever feel that it's procrastinating cause it's a friday and it's like "What Homework do I have to do???...Do I even have homework???" Well that was basically my mentality yesterday as you can tell as I forgot to post anything. So I'll count this post as yesterday's and do one later tonight probably explaining how I didn't do much today. Sort of woke up kind of late so far and am not getting off to a quick good start and my room is a mess. I feel that should be priority one. The other priority is finding out about my media arts event and hopefully there will still be time tomorrow to do it cause today is looking like a bad day for me to do that...

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Well as I predicted, I woke up with a massive hangover and a friend passed out on the floor amidst some spilled liquid from the night (or a few hours) before. After passing back out and sleeping in till 12 30, I felt a little better. I felt even more better after taking a shower and eating. By two o clock I started my spanish comp due tomorrow, which I probably should have done way earlier. After that I continued to study for my MA exam that I had at 5 30. After that long class ended I came back and studied a bit for my map quiz tomorrow (which is easy and why I didn't really look at it sooner) and than started reading some articles for my philosophy class (which i probably should have done earlier and am still doing currently). I guess all in all it wasn't too terrible of a day. I still wish I would get the harder more pressing work out of the way days in advanced, or the day it's assigned. I still have this looming Media Arts event paper...but hopefully I'll be motivated and go out and just do it this weekend so I can stop worrying about. Oh...and I've received an acceptance letter from UCSC, but have been too lazy to check out the school online still. Maybe this weekend...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Well...lately I've been having trouble with my internet connection in my room. Oddly enough this makes me want to procrastinate more...however, one thing that it did do is sort of screw me over for yesterday. Before I typed my goals and audience for this assignment I did write a paragraph introducing this assignment...apparently it never got published and saved as a draft so I published it like now. Anyhow, today I guess was a little better. I don't have many pressing assignments and so I didn't start anything immediately. After getting back from my classes and other prior engagements I relaxed with my roommates for a little, than attempted to study for a Media Arts exam tomorrow. However, this did not go so well and soon I lost all energy and ended up laying down for about 20 min half asleep half awake until dinner. After dinner...with little to no energy still, I tried to take a nap to hopefully gain back some energy, but it hardly did me any good. I've been studying since about 7 o clock on and off. Trying to get everything done so I can drink and enjoy my night with my roommates and some friends. Hopefully tomorrow will prove a bit better, though the outcome looks unlikely as i foresee a slight hangover. Regardless, I have a few assignments for friday I would like to get done before I have to go to my class at night and take the exam. So fingers crossed and hopefully all this panic will motivate me tomorrow morning

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Audience and Goals for Procrastinating

Audience: Well...aside from our teacher, pretty much it's me here. I mean unless someone somehow crosses my blog and finds my methods (if any arise and work) helpful.

Goals: keep a journal of my day to day progress in the open so that I'm forced to actually change my bad habit. Here goes nothing.

Procrastinating...getting over it. lazy. Sadly not a good way to take my first steps towards solving the problem. Procrastinating about solving procrastination feels almost comically ironic in this situation. Welllll at least I got it done right? So that should count for something, cause you got to crawl before you walk, right? I know at some point in my life I wasn't like this...classical conditioning sucks. So I guess all it takes is classical conditioning to reverse it. Since high school I've had a chronic problem with bad procrastination...not doing assignments till lunch time when the class I have is next. I think the freedom of college sort of nudged it a bit further on and last semester just destroyed me. However, I finally got a bit motivated and have been trying to stay on top of my homework, but after a while I would only do some of the homework that I thought was easy or more entertaining to me and get them done with...than I'd be left with the harder stuff that I didn't want to do in the first place. I still get them done before hand...but not as early as I would actually prefer. So I think I need to start there, and hopefully the rest of my tasks and chores that I keep putting off will eventually follow.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Productivity Pointers

1. Managing time: The best way to stay productive is to manage your time in an efficient manner. Now I'm not saying to do work at any and all times you have a break, but do as much as you can within the limits of one day. The best thing to do is to plan out a schedule after assessing your assignments for the day or week or what have you. Fit in work times of an hour or so with breaks in between. Take your time in completing assignments rather than waiting till the very last minute. Even for those people who work best while under pressure (due to waiting till the day before or day of a huge assignment) the best thing to do would be to do the assignment in advance and if necessary review and revise it the day of or day before to get that extra motivation in the revision. Time management is key to keeping yourself in a good balance of work and play, cause remember all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. And all play and no work gets jack an F.

2. Be organized: Without organization, assignments can easily get lost in the clutter of the day. Many people have different ways of dealing with organization, so I suggest finding a method that works best for you. These techniques can range from writing up schedules, having calendars, setting alarms for reminders, asking friends for help, keeping your work space organized and putting things away neatly, or remembering them (if you tend to lose and forget things easy i would highly suggest avoiding this one). Being organized will lead to ease in completing and doing assignments. Notice how this tip blends with my other tip. By keeping good track and organization of your assignment, you will also be better able to manage your time when you have a clearer view of what is to be done in what amount of time. Staying on top of the work is the name of the game.

Hope these helped...though these are my tips, I often have trouble sticking to them myself. So remember to stay motivated in any and all work that you do. Feel pride in what you do...just because it's class and school work does not mean it all has to be boring or stupid. You are here for a reason, remember that.


Marketing Ideas

Marketing in short is the entirety of processes involved in the transactions of goods from the producer to the consumer. These processes include advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.

In the matter of the class blog, these are our top ideas for marketing. 1) Post Fliers around campus, on the bulletin boards, doors, walls, hallways, cars, etc. 2) Send Out an Email to the entire student body. 3) Information Desk for people to come up and inquire about the blog. 4) Raffle or Contest sponsored by our class and the blog.

Post Fliers

There are numerous ways we can go about doing this idea. First we can go around campus and post them on every bulletin board in all buildings. We can also attach them outside the buildings on doors and windows as we have seen around campus. We can also go to the various parking lots and both parking structures and place fliers on people’s cars. Not only on campus, but we can also post fliers at various locations that college students hang out at. We want to try to reach the maximum number of people that we can. BE REPETITIOUS. We can’t just post the fliers once, but to capture people’s attentions we need to do this step consistently (at least once a week). Also, we can get somebody to dress up in a ridiculous costume and stand out front of Zimmerman or around the Duck Pond and hand out fliers to people to at least catch their attention. These fliers should not be basic, but bright and outrageous with art, pictures, jokes, or anything to capture their attention and entice them to at least look at the blog while browsing through the internet.

Send Out Emails

Our plan is to send out a mass email advertising and informing people about the blog. Hopefully we can coordinate this with whoever is in charge of the UNM email system. I know I have gotten many emails from outside the UNM staff or the UNM system, so it is possible. This way we can get to everybody who lives on and off campus and attends UNM. The internet is viewed by everybody, so this way we can guarantee reaching our entire audience.

Information Desk

Many people around campus set up desks and kiosks in various locations around campus. We can do some inside the sub, outside the sub, in dsh, out front of Zimmerman, inside the duck pond, on the outer regions of the duck pond, etc. We could take turns of two people teams sitting at the desk at a time to entice and inform fellow students who walk by. This is probably the best way of informing our audience of the blog and its purpose. The information desk is a good way of marketing to our audience because it allows them to ask questions directly to the people who run the blog. This allows for one on one conversation between us and our audience. It is also interacting with the people who are going to visit the blog. This way they will have a better and clearer understanding of what the blog is for and how it will help.

Raffle or Contest

Alongside the desk, or having its own desk, we can hold some type of contest or raffle (sponsored by the blog) to entice people to at least come to the desk. We can captivate our audience with a fun game with prizes, and since everything will have the blogs name on it and we’ll be mentioning it numerous times, they will hopefully want to actually visit the blog. We can have small prizes such as candy, cups, pencils, pens, notebooks, mini staplers (highly suggested) or like $5 itunes cards (as a top prize cause it could get expensive), etc. We’ll have music playing during this to bring people to the desk and hopefully they have a good time and enjoy it enough to visit the website. Alongside the Raffle, if we can keep track of who visits the website or gather their input about the website, we can continue to offer small prizes or something. That way we’ll know if people are actually going to and using the website, rather than just looking at it and than closing it instantly.

These are our top four ideas for marketing our blog. Our main point is to try to help UNM students. We believe that these are the best ways to go about advertising a class blog, cause many UNM students are lax about finding help. We need to be repetitious, but also exciting and fun because nobody wants to just get simple help, we need to make it entertaining for them to capture their attention in some way. Young people have short attention spans, without those shiny colors this may be a lost cause.

-Kevin and Justin-

Goals and Audience for Marketing Ideas

Goals: To find the best way to market the class blog to our audience (UNM students).

Audience: The class and our group members.

How To Recognize My Common Problems

Some of my biggest problems in writing essays is writing with complicated sentences and not providing support for my paper. These tend to go hand in hand because without the support or factual evidence proving my ideas, I make my sentences big and grandiose in order to convince my reader of my points. It is rather easy to recognize these problems and correct them for future writing.

One huge indicator of writing a complicated unnecessary sentence is when I or any other writers search the thesaurus for a better word, or a bigger word that can cover numerous other words. Here the writer is attempting to sound smarter by using a bigger and more diverse vocabulary. However, in searching for this “magic” word, we will often lose the meaning in the sentence, or distort it slightly so it is no longer the same. Thesauruses provide us synonyms of words that are close to our original word, but are not the same. If we did not know the word to begin with, and it is not in our vocabulary, than we probably should not use it. Only use words that we know the meaning of and apply in our daily speech. If we are unsure of a word, or think that it will make the paper sound better, do not use it.

Often time’s complicated sentences are correlated with fallacious arguments. We often argue in circles and attempt to sound persuasive with little or no support. Here we often repeat the same or similar sentences in numerous different ways because we have little or nothing else to say or prove. To ensure simpler sentences, we must write to prove a point and ensure the reader understands it. Reading essays is not supposed to be a psychological trick question seeing if the reader can figure out what the writer intended. Rather, it is supposed to convey an important point or message that a reader can easily understand without having to reread a sentence, paragraph, or the whole paper over numerous times. Be clear and concise.

Finally a huge indicator of complicated sentences will be a huge essay with little or no support. Without support, the writer will attempt to be persuasive enough to convince you that his or her point is correct without providing the factual evidence. This persuasion will often result in misdirection or complications to confuse the reader into believing the point is correct. However, we cannot believe a person’s statements or assessments without factual proof. With more evidence, our points will be clearer and more concise so that we will not need to “impress” the reader.

There are no definite ways of defining complicated sentences or pointing them out. However, these are some of the most common causes of overly complicated sentences. In writing essays we must all remember to be clear and get to the point. Why argue around what we wish to state? Do not put our main point or statement at the end. Put it at the beginning and go from there proving why we believe our statement is correct. This should help eliminate the need for confusing sentences.


Goals and Audience for Recognizing Problems

Goals: To assess and recognize my common errors when writing papers in hopes to break the habit and improve on my writing.

Audience: Myself. Also anyone who has similar problems with overcomplicated sentences and lack of support. It can help anyone looking for a way to make their arguments better and more acceptable.

Writing Genre: Term/Essay Papers

Writing a good term paper can be as hard or as easy as we make it on ourselves. Practicing good preparation and writing will lead to an easier essay in the end. There are many different techniques in writing one, depending on the person’s own unique style of writing. However, there are a few common steps that we should all take to ensure a better, smoother essay.

First of all, after receiving the assignment make sure you understand the assignment and the instructions fully. If you do not understand them, don’t hesitate to ask the teacher or your boss to clarify these instructions. It is better to swallow your pride and ask for clarification rather than risk doing the paper incorrectly which could be costly in the end. Once you have understood the instructions to your assignment, it’s time to plan out your timetable. A common mistake among people with assignments due is they tend to overestimate their time or procrastinate till the last minute. However, the quality of the paper is often positively correlated with the effort and amount of time put into the paper (i.e. quick unmotivated papers tend to receive lower grades or lower remarks compared to papers that would thought out and analyzed). Plan a time table of the following steps and ensure time to finish the draft and editing steps before the paper is due. Now that you have your time table planned out it is time to move onto understanding the question at hand.

It is better first to ponder the subject upon which you are writing. Try to figure out the purpose you want to convey in your writing as well as whom your audience is going to be. Defining the purpose of the essay is key to writing a good term paper, because if we do not know what we are writing for, our points and overall essay may go astray. Additionally, assess the length of the paper and narrow your topic idea down to something reasonable for the length of your essay (i.e. not too long and not too short). We should avoid choosing long broad topics as our main topic for a paper that is to be less than what the idea would require. For instance having a 10 page paper on the affects of global warming over the past decade may be too broad of an idea for what your paper is limited too.

Next we move on to research, one of the most important steps. Here we must find as much information as we can on our topic to use for support of our ideas. This will also help refine your ideas to clearer and more concise points. Do not do the research after writing your paper. Researching after writing the paper will often times lead to quotes that do not support your point, or even plagiarism if you feel you needed to add something to make your paragraph flow better. Doing research before writing will better prepare you mentally define your topic to a more narrow topic that you can support clearly and easily. When researching, whether in books in the library, magazine articles, or even online sources, you should always keep track of where the information is coming from. You can do this in many ways, but always try to keep track of your information you have found in the best manner that works for you. Also make sure you consider which sources are more reliable or backed by scholars rather than some average joe spouting his opinion on some website.

Now that we have our research complete, we can move onto prewriting and brainstorming. Here it may differ from person to person, so find the method that works best for you. However, in some way, whether in freewriting, brainstorming with randomly jotted ideas, making outlines, making mind maps, etc, you should already be thinking about the construction of your essay and what you’re going to say. You should start defining a plan for yourself for your paper. Often times its best to write this down especially when you get long papers that may span more than 20 pages. Once you have assessed your research, have a plan for your essay, and feel confident about your topic, its time to write.

Start writing and don’t look back. Try not to make the essay perfect the first time around, because this will often lead to difficulty in finishing the paper, or you may get distracted from other points. Not a single person can write a flawless paper the first time around. Feel free to let yourself make mistakes, because the best thing to do is to let your creativity flow and just run with the paper. Writer’s block, as many writer’s know, is a terrible hump to get over. If you are able flow, than just keep going and finish the paper. Once you finish, set it aside for the time being and go back to it later. It’s best to give it a day or two so the paper seems fresh to you and you are more able to catch your own mistakes rather than reading it quickly glossing over it because “you knew what you wanted to say.” With this mindset it’s easy to miss simple mistakes that could possibly confuse your reader. Following the same idea of giving yourself time off before rereading your paper, it also helps asking an outside source you can trust to constructively criticize your paper. This will bring another person’s viewpoint into the mix and they will be able to see things you may not be able to do. Once you have done one or both of these steps, reedit as many times as you deem necessary till you feel confident in your paper.

With practice and a good work ethic, you can turn the fear of essay papers into the thing of the past. Writing paper’s are not wholly different than any other activity we choose to participate in. Humans are naturally inquisitive and insightful by nature. We are highly opinionated on many varieties of issues. We can use this in formulating our ideas of papers, because a paper is merely an expression of our opinion with support. Likewise, practice makes perfect. People make mistakes in everything and nothing is ever perfect the first time around. If we dedicate ourselves to our tasks at hand, there is no telling what we can accomplish.


Goals And Audience for Writing Term Papers

Goals: To identify proper steps to take when writing Term/Essay. Also, to identify areas that I am lacking in, or steps that I do not do that I should take in order to better my own paper.

Audience: Again, mostly myself for my benefit but also anyone who wants help in starting their paper. This can help any college student needs a better system when writing papers for classes.

My Writing Process

My writing process definitely differs from most people. I often times find it hard writing things down, whether in taking notes or studying for a test. I do most things mentally and find it is easier for me to keep it that way. I tend to keep better track of things with minimal paper and mostly keep it all in memory. When I write something, whether it be an essay or just an email, I tend to ponder the question at hand before sitting down to write. For essays, I commonly research my topic and print out the articles and readings. Afterwards, I do a quick read through highlighting important quotes that I could use in the essay. Than I take a small break, normally to get food or something, and start formulating my ideas on the topic. I begin a mental brainstorm figuring out my general overall ideas for the essay (a mental outline). After I feel confident in my knowledge of the topic, I sit down at my computer and type it out. For me, I often run through an entire essay from intro paragraph to conclusion. The first sentences are always the hardest for me, but once I start flowing, I tend to bang out the rest easily. As I am working, I also tend to edit my ideas in my head and correct my sentences grammatically as I type them. I try to be as formal and eloquent the first time around. After I finish I save my essay, walk away from it, come back to it at a later day, and do another read of it correcting any mistakes I may not have been able to catch. I ensure my ideas flow nicely, that my sentence and paragraph structures are in logical order, and my grammar and syntax is correct. I am done once I feel confident about my paper, but not a second before. This is my very simple process that I have fine-tuned mentally over many years. In high school, I would write out outlines and ideas first, but would suffer on the essay when I sat down to write it. In writing my ideas down, I would more easily forget my main points mentally so that the drafting process was more difficult. I would have to reread my ideas jotted down and focus on them, more so than the overall essay. This made it harder to flow when I actually wrote it because my writing would be broken up by averting my attention to previous things I wrote which would usually be dispersed between numerous pages front and back. In addition, with quotes I usually find them before I write, but add them in at the end. Once I start writing and I start going, I don’t like to divert my attention from it in any way. I like getting out all my ideas on paper, and than later adding the quotes in where they support my points. Never stop a writer at work, because writer’s block is a hard thing to overcome…especially when all your ideas are coming together so perfectly.


Goals and Audience for My Writing Process

Goals: To better understand my own writing process. By doing so I will more fully comprehend my process in hopes to better my own writing and improve my process.

Audience: Mostly myself, but also for anyone who has trouble writing and wants to see another person's process and perspective when sitting down to write.

Frontier Review

For a favorite restaurant to eat at, I have to go with the classic that is the Frontier. I am sure everyone in the Albuquerque area has ate at this grand landmark. It is a great spot to get great food quick and cheap. They have some of the most delicious burgers for an amazing price, and some amazing chili and breakfast burritos. My personal favorite is the sirloin steak meal for only $11. A price like that should entice any steak lovers such as myself. The restaurant is remarkable not only for their food, but also for their location (right across from the UNM campus) and their hours of operation (24/7 7 days a week). When a late night craving hits, Frontier is a mere walk or drive away for some great food and a great place to relax, chill, meet with people, or even get some work done. A classic spot for any and all people.

Located at 2400 Central Ave SE. Phone number: (505) 266-0550


Goals and Audience for Restaurant Review

Goals: To continue the tradition of college students and Frontier and also enticing new comers to try out the experience.

Audience: Mostly college students in Albuquerque, mainly on or around the UNM campus. Also, I hope to make it appeal to anyone else browsing around that has never tried the Frontier and was curious about it.